2. Template API Usage Demonstration (Not Updated)
- Introduction
NUGET DotNetCore.Natasha.CSharp
- NDelegate
//NDelegate supports:
// Regular methods: Func/Action
// Asynchronous methods: Async Func/Action
// Unsafe methods: Unsafe Func/Action
// Unsafe asynchronous methods: UnsafeAsync Func/Action
var func = NDelegate
//Create a domain
//Create a Func<string,int> method in the domain, with the same parameter name as the Func<T1,T> defined in the system.
.Func<string,int>("return arg.Length;");
Assert.Equal(3, func("abc"));
var func = NDelegate
//Use a random domain
//Invoke the instance with the first parameter invisible
//Create a Func<string,int> method in the domain, with the same parameter name as the Func<T1,T> defined in the system.
.Func<string,int>("return Length;");
Assert.Equal(3, func("abc"));
NormalTestModel model = new NormalTestModel();
var func = NDelegate
.Action<NormalTestModel, int, int>("arg1.Age=arg2+arg3;");
Assert.Equal(3, model.Age);
Case 2:
var action = NDelegate
.UnsafeAsyncFunc<string, string, Task<string>>(@"
string result = arg1 +"" ""+ arg2;
await Task.Delay(1000);
return result;");
string result = await action("Hello", "World1!");
//result = "Hello World1!"
- Customization
Quickly customize a method
var action = FastMethodOperator.DefaultDomain()
.Body("return str1+str2;")
var result = action("Hello ","World!"); //result: "Hello World!"
var delegateAction = FastMethodOperator.Random()
//If you don't specify Param and Return, the default parameter names defined by the system Func<string,string,Task<string>> will be used. You can see it with F12.
await Task.Delay(100);
string result = arg1 +"" ""+ arg2;
return result;")
.Complie<Func<string, string, Task<string>>>();
string result = await delegateAction?.Invoke("Hello", "World2!"); //result: "Hello World2!"
Quickly implement a delegate
//Define a delegate
public delegate string GetterDelegate(int value);
//Method One
var action = NDelegate.RandomDomain().Delegate<GetterDelegate>("value += 101; return value.ToString();");
string result = action(1);
//result: "102"
Copy the method quickly and implement it
public class Test
public string Handler(string str)
return null;
var action = FakeMethodOperator.RandomDomain()
.StaticMethodContent(" str += \"hello\";return str; ")
string result = action("xiao");
//result: "hello"